
  • Using namespaces with jQuery widgets

    Creating plugins for jQuery is a relatively straightforward task, however poorly named plugins can conflict with one another (or even with core jQuery functionality). I have seen numerous attempts at solving this problem which each have their advantages and disadvantages.

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  • Improve consistency of button element across browsers

    The button element can be styled easily for the desired look, however as soon as padding is specified the button appearance is drastically different across web browsers. So I did some searching and found several different fixes and found that a combination of all of them does the trick (mostly).

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  • Business process and data with MVC

    I have been thinking about the general issues with the MVC and the Vespa concept Vespa: A better MVC. The idea of splitting the Model component has really helped me a lot with a project that I am working on.

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  • Reversi game made using J2ME

    Since I had fun making a checkers game previously I decided to make a reversi game, again using J2ME. Unlike checkers, reversi is actually a game that I’m reasonably good at! The game has difficulty settings ranging from Novice to Master and a couple of skins.

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  • Redesign of "My Art Gallery"

    My Art Gallery ( is my fathers online art gallery which features most of his artwork. The website also includes a variety of downloads including backgrounds, 3D models, textures, etc. which people can use in their own artwork. I originally created this website in 2006 using ASP.NET in conjunction with a MS-SQL database which has served well for 4 years.

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  • Sudoku game made with J2ME

    Recently I’ve had somewhat of a sudoku addiction and decided to make a puzzle generator and solver for my phone using J2ME. The game can generate puzzles with a variety of difficulties from Novice to Master. The game’s solver can even be used to key in and play sudoku puzzles that you find in books, etc.

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  • UML simpler with Cadifra

    Cadifra is an excellent UML editor which makes designing with UML a breeze. Cadifra is great for illustrating concepts in technical reports, but gains its real purpose during the design process where ideas change and evolve rapidly (especially when working with other team members). Cadifra makes it easy and very quick to change diagrams in this fashion, and very neatly too.

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  • J2ME: Alert followed by Alert

    I have been working on a J2ME application. There is an instance where a message box appears so as to confirm an action with the user, if the user confirms the action then a subsequent alert may be shown. Whilst in theory this should have been straightforward the application just kept throwing an IllegalArgumentException.

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  • Generating and solving sudoku puzzles

    My fascination of sudoku started when I was working down the family store; one of my coworkers would do sudoku puzzles during quiet periods. He showed me how to play and I started to wonder how people would actually create the puzzles. I figured that the easiest approach would be to start with a completed grid and then remove as many numbers as possible.

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  • Problems with the JMUnit TestSuite class

    I attempted to use the ‘JMUnit’ unit testing library that is shipped with NetBeans for the first time today. I created a couple of simple TestCase classes and a TestSuite that combines each of these. However, every time I attempted to load the test suite I was presented with the following exception:

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